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Strategic Partner

EuroRAP is an international not for profit association of national and regional road authorities, mobility clubs, road safety NGO’s and researchers. The Association supports activities across 27 European Countries in addition to 100 partners worldwide supported by our global umbrella iRAP.

EuroRAP’s unique purpose is that it provides a holistic, complete and standardised approach in road safety assessment using its protocols with the aim to ensure a Europe without no accidents in order to work towards the implementation of both the United Nations Sustainability Goals 3-4 and European Commission goals on road safety / Directive 2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management.




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16 July 2021


See FISITA Library items from EuroRAP


Event Paper

Mrs. Lina Konstantinopoulou, EuroRAP, BELGIUM; Mr. Anthony Germanchev, ARRB, AUSTRALIA; Mr. Marko Ševrović, University of Zagreb, CROATIA; Mr. James Bradford, iRAP, UNITED KINGDOM


The Paper examines the "Roads that Cars can Read'' attributes for physical and digital infrastructure and develops the AD Star rating methodology by assessing the readiness of the infrastructure for AD vehicles from a safety perspective in 4 member states (SLAIN project). It also describes the Australian findings on Infrastructure Changes to Support Automated Vehicles on Rural and Metropolitan Highways and Freeways.

The European Road Assessment Programme (EuroRAP) is an innovative programme of systematic risk assessment protocols which include among others the aiRAP and Autonomous Driving (AD) Star Rating. EuroRAP works on the European Commission funded CEF project SLAIN which is a 2-year project co-financed by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility. The project is set out in eight activities to support and encourage the proposed changes to Directive 2008/96/EC and Prepare for Automation. Among other activities, Activity 7 will perform a three-part study to demonstrate the readiness of Europe's physical infrastructure for automation. lt will include verifying several physical road attributes (relevant 52 attributes) including road marking and traffic signs and digital road attributes in 4 member states and it is going to develop the automatic coding methodology for the European network for network wide assessment and producing AI algorithms for identifying and combining datasets of vehicle sensors.

The Australian case study
The method used for the Australian CAV readiness audit was documented in the Austroads Report (2019) [4]. The audit was conducted by the Australian Road Research Board using a survey vehicle fitted with a Mobileye camera that represents machine vision technology used in late model or near future market vehicles. This technology detects the road environment in real-time including speed signs, lines and objects. Mobileye is a global supplier of machine vision technology to automotive manufacturers, and the Mobileye technology is the foundation of more than 25 auto manufacturer's ADAS functionality and is representative of how today's vehicles read the road.

FISITA Web Congress 2020

Automated and Connected Mobility (ACM)



Assessing the Readiness of Infrastructure for Automated Vehicles from a Safety Perspective, F2020-ACM-065, FISITA Web Congress 2020

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