Your Specialist in innovative Friction Lining Technology. Our friction lining presses are employed in the manufacturing of high-quality brake pads that fulfil every quality requirement specified by customers. Our customers, leading global players in the friction lining industry, need to continuously face new technological and economic challenges. We offer hot and cold /short pressing technology according to your particular needs, curing ovens as well as production automation in general.
Product range:
- Rotary type press - Stand-alone production machine for big lot sizes and mass production
- Production Center - Up to 5 independents of each other acting round table machines with a central control and hydraulic power station for the flexible production of medium lot sizes.
- Linear presses - The flexible solution to produce smallest lot sizes on 1 or 2 lines each with 6 independents of each other acting press cells. Production of up to 12 different references in fully automatic on one machine.
- New modular linear press system mLCx
- Lab presses for your R&D activities in material and process development
- Curing ovens
- Automation and / or special purpose machinery in general
