See FISITA Library items from Agusti Sin
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Dr. Agusti Sin, ITT Friction Technologies, ITALY
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Fischer, Continental, GERMANY
The advanced alternative powertrains regarding their electrification bring as a consequence a large levels of recuperation implying a small intervention of the hydraulic system during the brake lifetime.
This new scenario for the brake system could have and important impact in the brake design regarding properties such as mu stability, corrosion/stiction, NVH… and the test design for their development.
Moreover, the aftermarket for friction material and brake rotors is an important industry with significant commercial impact for all levels of the supply chain.
How far is this trend also justified in technical terms?
How should be designed the new brake systems and tested the new brake systems?
Which is their environmental impact?
Which are the main technical challenges regarding the longlife brake pad material, rotors, shims, backplates and calipers?
New test need to be developed and harmonized?
EuroBrake 2021
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Agusti Sin studied MSc. in Faculty of Chemistry at University of Barcelona and Ph.D. in the Institute of Materials Science of the Spanish Scientific National Council in the field of Superconducting materials in 1998. Following a Post-Doc up to end of 2000 in Laboratory of Crystallography- CNRS and Institute National Polytechnic of Grenoble in France working in nanomaterials and layer deposition process.
From 2001 work as Advanced Researcher in Pirelli Labs & EcoTechnology in the fields of nanomaterials for Fuel Cells and Catalyst and High Temperature Ceramics for Diesel emissions.
Since 2014 he is the Director for the basic research activity in ITT Friction Technologies as Materials and Process Innovation Director. The main focus areas are related to: (i) application of electrochemical methods in corrosion mechanism; (ii) advanced materials innovation and processing for performance, wear and NVH applications; (iii) environmental analytical chemistry for airborne particulate matter.
Have more than 75 International papers publications in Materials Science 18 industrial patents applications.