Professor Fang Chen’s main research areas include cognitive science, interactive design and human-machine interaction, with theoretical background involving physiology, be-havioral psychology, visual and auditory interaction. Her researches were widely applied in multimedia system usability, automatic control, aviation and automobile driving control, public safety and crisis management which adopted by the EU as the basis for the formu-lation of relevant standards for transportation and vehicles. As the expert in interaction design, she serving as a member and consultant to several international academic re-search institutions, published hundreds of papers in international journals and confer-ences.
Dr. Fang Chen was the tenure professor of Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. She had been PhD student supervisor at Tsinghua University, and cooperated with Tongji University and Zhejia University. She was employed as senior consultant for Huawai for 3 years. She’s had also worked for the Department of Product and Project Management, First Automobile Work, as Senior Director. The Chinese book of “Human Centered Intelli-gent Vehicle HMI Design” is published in 2021. Now she got multi-positions, as vice president of Changsha Automotive Innovation Research Institute, and the director of the department of Vehicle Multimodel HMI Research, Vice chairman of audiovisual Talent Committee under China Talent Research Association, and Director of Intelligent Interac-tion and Static Traffic Laboratory, Zhejiang Digital Content Research Institute, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Ms. Fang Chen

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