1999 Dipl.-Ing. (FH) mechanical engineering University of Applied Science, Esslingen, Germany
2001 Master of Science in Engineering Kettering University, Flint, MI, USA
2002 Joining BMW AG, Munich Engine calibration, LDA / PDA / PIV-measurements at engines and spray chambers
2005 Expert on optical measurement for engines and exhaust emissions
2011 Appointment as laser and radiation protection officer
2013 Senior expert on emission measurement and analysis (including PN and PM) for engine test bench, chassis dyno and RDE-testing
2021 Senior expert on brake emission testing and test infrastructure
Professional career:
Management or membership of numerous working groups (UNECE, OICA, ACEA, VDA) on emissions testing and vehicle homologation
Collaboration in standardization (CEN, DIN)
Supervision of numerous bachelor, master and doctoral theses and internships
Publications as author and co-author in English and German
Heinz Bacher

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