See FISITA Library items from Tatsushi Ishikawa
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Mr. Masaki Hayakawa, Akebono Brake Industry Co.,Ltd, JAPAN
Mr. Shigeru Sakamoto, Toyota Motor Corporation, JAPAN
Mr. Masato Yamaguchi, Nissan Motor Corporation, JAPAN
Mr. Yuzo Todani, Mazda Motor Corporation, JAPAN
Mr. Naoki Hata, ADVICS CO.,LTD., JAPAN
Mr. Tatsushi Ishikawa, ADVICS CO.,LTD., JAPAN
JSAE restructured its organization to mirror the committees of ISO/TC22 in year 2015.
Sustained for many years, JSAE Brake Linings WG consists of 2 laboratories, 10 vehicle and 8 automobile part manufactures.
And it promotes activities corresponding to WG10 "Brake Linings and Friction Couples”.
Early year 2020, JSAE issued a JASO (Japanese Automotive Standards Organization) standard for brake particle emission measurement and MPU. JSAE would like to introduce it along with the latest activity situation, focus points on standardization, and future policy of activities.
EuroBrake 2021
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Mr. Tatsushi Ishikawa

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