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Congress: Acoustic target qualification with 3D array technology for turbocharger acoustics

Event: FISITA World Congress 14-16 September 2021 online

Name: Lucille Pinel, executive manager

Company: MicrodB

Presentation Title: F2020-MCF-034 Acoustic target qualification on test bench with 3D array technology: application to turbocharger sound power emission

Please introduce yourself briefly…

I am Lucille Pinel, I am the executive manager of MicrodB, SME located in France, Lyon. I joined the company 25 years ago as an acoustic engineer. MicrodB’s know-how integrates advanced algorithms and new technologies in user- friendly tool for sound source identification.

What you will talk about at this year’s FISITA World Congress?

The acoustic specification of a new project, vehicle or engine, is facing the difficulty of cascading NVH targets to the component level quantitatively. This paper will briefly present the 3D array technology and its application on turbocharger acoustic qualification mounted on engine compartment and then on gas stand.

What benefits will participants gain from your presentation?

It will demonstrate the feasibility to discuss on more reliable data input between constructors and suppliers for NVH targets, using innovating and more efficient methodology outside standard.

Which trends do you consider as the most important for your domain of research and your geographical region, and what opportunities do these trends offer?

Most of NVH methodology and process have been achieved in past years with combustion engine development. But those last ones have to be now adapted to engine downsizing and e-motor. It is not usually done in an early process leading to difficult discussions between OEMs and suppliers during the development phase. MicrodB is offering innovating measurement process using array technology to work on harmonized database, close to the simulation requirements.

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About the FISITA World Congress

Since 1947, the FISITA World Congress has been the leading international meeting place for industry experts, engineers and executives to exchange ideas and discuss the trends that drive the automotive industry forward. The theme for the 38th FISITA World Congress is 'From automobile to mobility. New roles. New challenges' and it will take place 14-16 September 2021, with the opportunity for the global audience to join virtually available for the first time. Registration is now open, with the Early Bird and special registration rates available until 31 August 2021.

Content from the 2020 FISITA Web Congress is available within the FISITA Technical Library, while material from previous Congress events back to 1998 is available in the FISITA Store. By the time of this year’s Congress, all the content will be available within the FISITA Technical Library, with free access provided to FISITA members.

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