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Congress: Comparison of Control Approaches for Autonomous Race Car Model

Event: FISITA World Congress 14-16 September 2021 online

Name: Jaroslav Klapálek, Ph.D student

Company: Czech Technical University

Presentation Title: F2020-ACM-053 Comparison of Control Approaches for Autonomous Race Car Model

Please introduce yourself briefly…

I am a Ph.D student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. I am interested in automated driving, embedded and real-time systems development. For the past 4 years I have been an active member of the F1/10 community that gathers annually to compete in a racing event with scaled-down models of autonomous cars. Back in 2018 I won the Porto competition with my team, while placing in the Top 3 in the following two competitions.

What you will talk about at this year’s FISITA World Congress?

In the area of autonomous racing, we have implemented three different control/path planning algorithms ranging from a simple reactive approach to close-to-optimal approach, which we compared them on a real scaled-down racing car using criteria stemming from our years-long experience in the scaled-down autonomous racing. The results show that the difference between reactive and optimal approaches is small on a simple track, whereas on more complex tracks, the optimal approach has significant advantages. While these results were expected, the comparison shows the gap we will aim to close with our future control approaches.

What benefits will participants gain from your presentation?

My presentation brings an experience from autonomous racing with scaled-down cars. Also, it gives an idea behind F1/10 competition and the community around it.

Which trends do you consider as the most important for your domain of research and your geographical region?

Definitely the autonomous driving and challenges connected to that. Since building actual automated cars is too complex for teams of students, scaled-down racing is a way to teach and educate students in order to be ready for work in the automotive industry.

scaled-down racing is a way to teach and educate students in order to be ready for work in the automotive industry

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About the FISITA World Congress

Since 1947, the FISITA World Congress has been the leading international meeting place for industry experts, engineers and executives to exchange ideas and discuss the trends that drive the automotive industry forward. The theme for the 38th FISITA World Congress is 'From automobile to mobility. New roles. New challenges' and it will take place 14-16 September 2021, with the opportunity for the global audience to join virtually available for the first time. Registration is now open, with the Early Bird and special registration rates available until 31 August 2021.

Content from the 2020 FISITA Web Congress is available within the FISITA Technical Library, while material from previous Congress events back to 1998 is available in the FISITA Store. By the time of this year’s Congress, all the content will be available within the FISITA Technical Library, with free access provided to FISITA members.

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The FISITA World Congress is one of the most important and prestigious gatherings of mobility engineers and executives in the automotive and mobility calendar. We can offer a number of exceptional promotion opportunities for organisations, associations and companies enabling them to meet their targeted audience and interact with the key decision-makers in and around FISITA 2021.

There are many opportunities to partner with us at the upcoming Congress. Take a look at the virtual prospectus for the full list and easily book a partnership package or virtual booth, or contact Ms. Marie Březinová, Industry Liaison and Sales Manager, Guarant International spol. s r. o., on


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