Event: FISITA World Congress 14-16 September 2021 online
Name: Masaya Miura, Engineer
Company: Toyota Motor Corporation
Presentation Title: F2020-MML-016 Development of Lightweight Thin-Walled Aluminum Bumper Reinforcement Adhered with Unidirectional CFRP Sheet
Please introduce yourself briefly…
My name is Masaya Miura from TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION, Japan. My job function is advanced body technology development.
What you will talk about at this year’s FISITA World Congress?
We developed the lightweight structural part which consists of the thin-walled Aluminum (Al) bumper reinforcement with the Unidirectional-carbon fiber reinforced plastic (UD-CFRP) sheet with the minimum increase of part cost which was achieved by reducing the amount of Al and minimizing the amount of CFRP.
We employed a novel cross-section design method which can be used to predict bending strength of CFRP reinforced metal structures under large deformation.
The required properties of the adhesive were also investigated statistically.
What benefits will participants gain from your presentation?
Participants could gain how to design CFRP reinforced metal structures under large deformation.
Which trends do you consider as the most important for your domain of research and your geographical region?
Carbon neutral
What challenges do these trends present?
Challenges to minimize not only cost and weight, but also LCA.
And what opportunities do these trends offer?
Opportunities to investigate best solutions considering not only vehicle manufacturing, but also value chains, reuse, recycle, etc.
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About the FISITA World Congress
Since 1947, the FISITA World Congress has been the leading international meeting place for industry experts, engineers and executives to exchange ideas and discuss the trends that drive the automotive industry forward. The theme for the 38th FISITA World Congress is 'From automobile to mobility. New roles. New challenges' and it will take place 14-16 September 2021, with the opportunity for the global audience to join virtually available for the first time. Registration is now open, with the Early Bird and special registration rates available until 31 August 2021.
Content from the 2020 FISITA Web Congress is available within the FISITA Technical Library, while material from previous Congress events back to 1998 is available in the FISITA Store. By the time of this year’s Congress, all the content will be available within the FISITA Technical Library, with free access provided to FISITA members.
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