The EuroBrake 2022 Meet the Industry session will take place on Wednesday 18th May and will be moderated by Deaglan O’Meachair, BrakeBetter.
This session brings our 2022 industry partners together to consider the challenges and opportunities of future braking technology. With EuroBrake now running for over 10 years our sponsors reflect on progress made and project where we will be in another decade’s time. We consider the radical changes ahead for motion control functions as vehicles are reconceived and demands change with new vehicle capabilities and electronic architecture. Which common challenges will we have overcome after a further 10 years, which challenges may remain, what new factors are likely to be in play with the growing number of additional tasks fulfilled by brake systems?
Theme – 10 years of EuroBrake
EuroBrake 2012 Review
EuroBrake 2012 Highlights
Industry Insights:
Reflect on the progress made by your company in the last 10 years and what does this inform for the next decade?
What challenges are most likely to be met in next 10 years, what challenges could we still face?
What are major opportunities in the future of brake and friction technology, and how will your company play a role?
Deaglan O’Meachair (Independent Consultant, Brake Better)
Prof. David Barton, EuroBrake Steering Committee
Tim Duncan, Link Group
Stefan Guether, Horiba
Leonhard Holzgaßner, Impact Innovations
Thomas Molitor, Laserline
Hossein Najafi, Oerlikon