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EuroBrake preliminary programme and registration for virtual event to open in March

The EuroBrake technical programme is developing rapidly and we are looking forward to sharing the preliminary programme at the beginning of March.

As conferencing and business networking evolves in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have developed a new approach to delivering our annual EuroBrake event, ensuring that we are Covid-secure and fully future-proof.

EuroBrake 2021, previously scheduled to take place in Mainz in May, will be held online from 17-21 May. We will deliver the event on an excellent and extremely user-friendly virtual conference platform, which provides access to presentations and downloadable content, and facilitates participant networking.

Registration for EuroBrake 2021 opens in the first week of March, with the preliminary programme on the website in March and the full programme available to participants via the new EuroBrake Virtual Content Delivery platform closer to the event. You can view a quick video introduction to this platform here.

We’re also excited to announce that Brian Hagman and The BRAKE Report team will once again be our official EuroBrake media partner. We’ll kick off EuroBrake 2021 with a networking event at which delegates can connect with BRAKE Report representatives and hear all the latest information from EuroBrake participants, including authors, exhibitors, sponsors, academics and more.

If you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at EuroBrake 2021, please contact Nadine Lloyd. To receive all the latest information about EuroBrake 2021, please sign up on the EuroBrake website.

As in previous years, we will be running a EuroBrake Student Opportunity Programme (ESOP) that this year will develop on the highly successful virtual model we used in 2020. Students can read more about this and sign up on the FISITA website. ESOP is funded by sponsors and the FISITA Foundation – if you are interested in supporting this activity, please contact Hayley Millar.

We will of course work with Brian and his team to ensure their readership is kept up to date on the latest EuroBrake developments. You can sign up for the latest news and insights on The BRAKE Report website.

We look forward to an exciting new era of EuroBrake event delivery, and to bringing together our industry colleagues from all over the world as we work with the EuroBrake steering committee and contributing authors to put together a full technical programme that will bring the latest innovations to the global braking community.


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