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ISC Speaker, Dr. Adrian Zlocki on Scenario-based Validation of Safety for Automated Driving

Event: FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference China. 16 July Changchun, China and online

Name: Dr. Adrian Zlocki, Head of Automated Driving

Company: fka GmbH

Presentation Title: Methodology and Data for Scenario-based Validation of Safety for Automated Driving

Session: Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF)

What are you planning to talk about at the Intelligent Safety Conference, and who do you think will benefit most from what you have to say?

My main focus will be a deep dive into scenarios for safety assurance of ADS. How are scenarios designed, what data sources are used for scenarios? How can they be applied in the overall process?

I believe that scenario-based testing is currently the state of the art. So, everybody, who is involved in test scenarios can/should be interested in this presentation.

Intelligent safety technology is at the heart of mobility development – how do you see it evolving as ADAS develops into fully autonomous functionality?

Currently the main research questions are on safety assurance for further autonomous functionalities. The presentation provides inside into the work out of the PEGASUS project to implement new safety assurance methods. Once we reach this goal, fully autonomous driving can become reality in the future.

"Today we have too many buttons, feedbacks, elements etc. which are not clear to all customers at any time. With intelligent vehicles this is getting worse and seems to make intelligent safety less intelligent".

What other factors do you expect to shape the development of intelligent safety technology? (e.g., legislation or standards, new technology, or changing consumer expectations)

The role of the society and the discussion on advantages and risks (of AD related to safety) on society level is for me an important factor for the market introduction.

What attracts you personally to the area of intelligent safety?

Helping to increase vehicle safety and in the end save lives.

What advances or changes in intelligent safety would you most like to see implemented in mainstream vehicles?

Improved HMI concepts. Today we have too many buttons, feedbacks, elements etc. which are not clear to all customers at any time. With intelligent vehicles this is getting worse and seems to make intelligent safety less intelligent, although the new functions are great.

Register for the FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference China to attend the full event in Changchun, or check back on the webpage for the link to watch the Keynote Session, Panel session and 'Impacts of Human Factors on Safety' session live streamed on the day.

About Adrian Zlocki

Dr.-Ing. Adrian Zlocki studied automotive engineering at the RWTH-Aachen University (Technical University Aachen). During his studies he stayed abroad for one research semester at the POSTECH University in Pohang, South-Korea. Since 2004 he has been employed as a Scientific Engineer at the ADAS department of the Institute for Automotive Engineering of the RWTH Aachen University (ika). Between 2007 and 2010 he lead a research group in the field of ADAS development and assessment at ika. Since 2010 he is head of fka’s Automated Driving department. He holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering from RWTH Aachen University since 2010.

About FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference China 2021

Registration is now open so book your place today.

FISITA and China SAE are delighted to confirm that the third annual FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference China will take place 16 July 2021 in Changchun, China, with physical or online participation available to registered participants.

Following highly successful events in 2019 and 2020, FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference 2021 will run as a stand-alone conference for the first time.

The 2021 event will feature keynote speeches and a panel discussion, followed by three parallel technical sessions on the Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF), Cybersecurity and the Impacts of Human Factors on Safety.

The event is co-organised in China by Jilin University and Automotive Innovation and supported by Tsinghua University and the CAICV SOTIF Working Group.


Sponsor packages are available. To discuss sponsorship participation, please contact Nadine Lloyd at


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