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Mar 22, 20221 min read
Position Paper: The role of insurance in the adoption of Autonomous Vehicles, EVs and FCVs
This Paper includes some fascinating insights into the challenges and opportunities around the role of insurance in AVs, EVs and FCVs.
Aug 24, 20214 min read
Q&A with Denis Zagarin, President of AAE, the Russian society of automotive engineers
An outline of AAE’s priorities & its role as a facilitator of impartial technical discussion with Russian government participation
Aug 12, 20215 min read
Congress: Improvement of the AEB activation algorithm based on the pedestrian reaction
Using virtual reality techniques to predict vulnerable road user behavioral patterns for autonomous emergency braking systems
Jul 15, 20213 min read
ISC Speaker, Prof. Hsin Guan on An Evaluation System for Intelligence of Automatic Driving Vehicles
The evaluation of intelligence of automated driving systems is key to ensuring intelligent vehicles are well received by society.
Jun 21, 20211 min read
Register now for “Unleashing the benefits of Autonomous Vehicle (AV) testing and simulation”
Testing vs Simulation: what is required as the development of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) progresses and moves away from human drivers?
FISITA Spotlight
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